Error messages in API
Error code |
Parameters |
Description |
source-validator.UrlMustBeString |
url_type |
Key ‘url’ in your request must be a string, got {url_type} instead. |
source-validator.UrlMustBeLink |
Your URL must be a link starting with “http://” or “https://”. |
source-validator.UrlFormatInvalid |
parse_error_message |
Format of ‘url’ is invalid and cannot be parsed. Error: {parse_error_message} |
source-validator.ZoomMustBeInteger |
actual_zoom |
Zoom must be either empty, or integer, got {actual_zoom} |
source-validator.InvalidZoomValue |
actual_zoom} |
Zoom must be between 0 and 22, got {actual_zoom} |
source-validator.TooHighZoom |
max_zoom, actual_zoom |
Zoom must be not higher than {max_zoom}, got {actual_zoom} |
source-validator.TooLowZoom |
min_zoom, actual_zoom |
Zoom must be not lower than {min_zoom}, got {actual_zoom} |
source-validator.UrlBlacklisted |
url |
The specified basemap {url} is forbidden for processing because it contains a map, not satellite image. Our models are suited for satellite imagery. |
source-validator.ImageMetadataMustBeDict |
Image metadata must be a dict (json) |
source-validator.ImageMetadataKeyError |
Image metadata must have keys: crs, transform, dtype, count |
source-validator.S3URLError |
actual_s3_link |
URL of the image at s3 storage must be a string starting with s3://, got {actual_s3_link} |
source-validator.LocalRequestKeyError |
Request must contain either ‘profile’ or ‘url’ keys |
source-validator.ReadFromS3Failed |
s3_link |
Failed to read file from {s3_link}. |
source-validator.ImageReadError |
We could not open and read the image you have uploaded |
source-validator.BadImageProfile |
profile, required_keys |
Image profile (metadata) must have keys {required_keys}, got profile {profile} |
source-validator.DtypeNotAllowed |
required_dtypes, request_dtype |
Image data type (Dtype) must be one of {required_dtypes}, got {request_dtype} |
source-validator.NChannelsNotAllowed |
required_nchannels, real_nchannels |
Number of channels in image must be one of {required_nchannels}. Got {real_nchannels} |
source-validator.PixelSizeTooLow |
actual_res, min_res |
Spatial resolution of you image is too low: pixel size is {actual_res}, minimum allowed pixel size is {min_res} |
source-validator.PixelSizeTooHigh |
actual_res, max_res |
Spatial resolution of you image is too high: pixel size is {actual_res}, maximum allowed pixel size is {max_res} |
source-validator.ImageCheckError |
checked_param, message, metadata |
Error occurred during image {checked_param} check: {message}. Image metadata = {metadata}. |
source-validator.QuadkeyLinkFormatError |
Your ‘url’ doesn’t match the format, Quadkey basemap must be a link containing “q” placeholder. |
source-validator.SentinelInputStringKeyError |
Sentinel_L2A request must contain field named ‘url’ with string value |
source-validator.SentinelInputStringFormatError |
input_string |
Input string {input_string} is of unknown format. It must represent Sentinel-2 granule ID |
source-validator.GridCellOutOfBound |
actual_cell, allowed_cells |
Selected Sentinel-2 image cell is {actual_cell}, this model is for the cells: {allowed_cells} |
source-validator.AOINotInCell |
actual_cell |
AOI does not intersect the selected Sentinel-2 granule {actual_cell} |
source-validator.MonthOutOfBounds |
actual_month, allowed_months |
Selected Sentinel-2 image month is {actual_month}, this model is for: {allowed_months} |
source-validator.TMSLinkFormatError |
You request TMS basemap link doesn’t match the format, it must be a link containing ‘{x}’, ‘{y}’, ‘{z}’ placeholders, correct it and start processing again. |
source-validator.RequirementsMustBeDict |
requirements_type |
Requirements must be dict, got {requirements_type}. |
source-validator.RequestMustBeDict |
request_type |
Request must be dict, got {request_type}. |
source-validator.RequestMustHaveSourceType |
Request must contain «source_type» key |
source-validator.SourceTypeIsNotAllowed |
source_type, allowed_sources |
Source type {source_type} is not allowed. Use one of: {allowed_sources} |
source-validator.RequiredSectionMustBeDict |
required_section_type |
“Required” section of the requirements must contain dict, not {required_section_type} |
source-validator.RecommendedSectionMustBeDict |
recommended_section_type |
“Recommended” section of the requirements must contain dict, not {recommended_section_type} |
source-validator.XYZLinkFormatError |
You XYZ basemap link doesn’t match the format, it must be a link containing ‘{x}’, ‘{y}’, ‘{z}’ placeholders. |
source-validator.TaskMustContainAoi |
Task for source-validation must contain area of interest (‘geometry’ section) |
source-validator.UnhandledException |
Internal error in process of data source validation. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
source-validator.internalError |
Internal error in process of data source validation. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
dataloader.internalError |
Internal error in process of loading data. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
dataloader.InternalError |
Internal error in process of loading data. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
dataloader.UnknownSourceType |
allowed_source_types, real_source_types |
Wrong source type {real_source_type}. Specify one of the allowed types {allowed_source_types}. |
dataloader.MemoryLimitExceeded |
allowed_size, estimated_size |
Your data loading task requires {estimated_size} MB of memory, which exceeded allowed memory limit {allowed_size} |
dataloader.LoaderArgsError |
argument_name, argument_type, expected_type |
Dataloader argument {argument_name} has type {argument_type}, excpected to be {expected_type} |
dataloader.WrongChannelsNum |
expected_nchannels, real_nchannels |
Loaded tile has {real_nchannels} channels, required number is {expected_nchannels} |
dataloader.WrongTileSize |
expected_size, real_size |
Loaded tile has size {real_size}, expected tile size is {expected_size} |
dataloader.TileNotLoaded |
tile_location, status |
Tile at location {tile_location} cannot be loaded, server response is {status} |
dataloader.CrsIsNotSupported |
Internal error in process of loading data. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
dataloader.MaploaderInternalError |
Internal error in process of loading data. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
dataloader.SentinelLoaderInternalError |
Internal error in process of loading data. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
raster-processor.internalError |
Internal error in process of data preparation. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you. |
inference.internalError |
Internal error in process of data processing. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you |
vector-processor.internalError |
Internal error in process of data processing. We are working on the fix, our support will contact you |